Ovee Skills-Pakistan Leading Training Institute

Asset 15

Web Development

2 Enrolled
24 week

Course Overview

A web development course teaches individuals how to create and maintain websites and web applications. Web development encompasses various technologies and skills, including front-end development (client-side) and back-end development (server-side). Below are some common topics and details you might find in a web development course:

Course Content:

  1. Introduction to Web Development:
    • Overview of web development concepts and technologies.
    • Understanding the structure of the World Wide Web.
  2. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language):
    • Learning HTML syntax.
    • Creating and structuring web page content.
    • Working with HTML5 elements and semantic markup.
  3. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):
    • Styling web pages using CSS.
    • CSS selectors and properties.
    • Responsive web design and media queries.
  4. JavaScript:
    • Introduction to JavaScript programming.
    • Handling events and interactions.
    • DOM manipulation for dynamic web content.
  5. Front-End Frameworks:
    • Exploring popular front-end frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js (depending on the course).
    • Building interactive and responsive user interfaces.
  6. Version Control and Git:
    • Understanding version control systems.
    • Using Git for code collaboration and tracking changes.
  7. Web Development Tools:
    • Familiarity with web development tools like code editors (e.g., Visual Studio Code), browsers’ developer tools, and debugging techniques.
  8. Back-End Development:
    • Introduction to back-end development languages like Python, Ruby, Node.js, or PHP (depending on the course).
    • Server-side scripting and programming.
    • Working with databases (e.g., SQL, NoSQL).
  9. Server-Side Frameworks:
    • Learning server-side frameworks such as Django, Ruby on Rails, Express.js, or Laravel (depending on the course).
  10. APIs and Web Services:
    • Working with APIs to fetch and manipulate data.
    • Building RESTful APIs.
  11. Web Security:
    • Understanding common web vulnerabilities (e.g., XSS, CSRF).
    • Implementing security best practices.
  12. Web Hosting and Deployment:
    • Deploying web applications to hosting platforms.
    • Configuring domain names and web servers.
  13. Testing and Debugging:
    • Testing web applications and debugging techniques.
    • Performance optimization.
  14. Web Development Project:
    • Applying knowledge and skills to develop a complete web application or website.
    • Building a portfolio of projects.


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